Friday, February 14, 2014

Fix ORA-30009: Not enough memory for CONNECT BY operation

How to fix ORA-30009:

SQL> create table too_big_tbl as
select ROWNUM n, dbms_random.value(100000, 999999) n2  from dual connect by level <= 100000000; 2
 select ROWNUM n from dual connect by level <= 100000000
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-30009: Not enough memory for CONNECT BY operation

Check pga_aggregate_target`s value. In my test instance it was not set.     

SQL> show parameter pga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 0
SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target = 100 scope = both;

System altered.

Then try again

SQL> create table too_big_tbl as
select ROWNUM n, dbms_random.value(100000, 999999) n2  from dual connect by level <= 100000000; 

Table created.



  1. Hello Dear Ulfet,
    I am getting pleasure when i reading your post. I hope you will continue to write more frequently.

    I have problem when i adding data to table from random generator as above, and i applied your solution but i am still getting this error.
    Any ideas ?

    1. Hello Berhan,

      Thank you for your comment. Could you provide whole command (statement) and output? Because with out it, it is hard to imagine.
      Also provide version of Oracle release


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