Sunday, February 8, 2015

WARNING: Subscription for node down event still pending

Today early morning I saw strange error on listener log.

Mon Feb 09 07:53:24 2015
WARNING: Subscription for node down event still pending
09-FEB-2015 07:53:24 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=????)(USER=oracle))(COMMAND=status)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=185599744)) * status * 0

After searching on metalink I found : MOS document with ID 372959.1

In a nutshell to fix it we should add SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_YOURLISTENER_NAME=OFF on listener.ora file

In my case:


Then restart/reload listener.
 lsnrctl reload;  

Cannot access dba_directories inside procedure

 Recently I faced one of familiar Oracle error ORA -00942 : table or view does not exist   I got it in while compiling procedure, becaus...